Tramshed | Cardiff | Wed 16th Nov ***
Superb performance from the Australian electro-pop group! Lead singers Janet Planet and Sugar Bones had first presented themselves on stage wearing large black suits, with large shoulder pads and singing their first song on stage “Toy Boy.” They were dancing in sync and features a robot dance. After the song, both of them left the stage, leaving the drummer and keyboardist alone to play on set. Drummer Clarence McGuffie had the quality of timekeeping and featured amazing beats to his kit. However, the keyboardist Reggie Goodchild showed real talent as he plays amazing melodies on the keys and introduces great sound effects that cause the songs to be more dramatic (as well as epic on stage).
As the lead singers were dancing as well as singing. Their presence on stage was worth watching, as their dance moves were very proactive as well as professional. It was really impressive to see them do some body flips, robot dancing and freestyling that works well within the songs. Very surprising to see how they manage to have all this energy to sing and dance at the same time? When they were excessively dancing and bringing the crowd in to join the fun. What they perform on stage was energetic, playful and dramatic on stage and ended up splashing water onto the audience. Furthermore, their vocals were appealingly light, in tune as well as playful, positive and easy to sing along with this song: “Don’t You Know I’m in a Band.”

However, they kept disappearing on stage and changing their outfits a lot, as I viewed four outfits altogether and it was unnecessary. As they had great live stage presence and they should let their music speak for itself, not their outfits as they were too many of them. Listening to their music, it feels like I have travelled back in time when the 90s and 00s were playing dance beats and reminding me of how much I loved every moment of it. Furthermore, the sound was very playful and had a psychedelic tune. It presented movie magic, meaning that it offers fantasy and not realism to the stage (which is what the show needed).
They sang their song from their brand new album called Tilt with the song: “Holiday” and pleased the crowd further (including myself). However, it ended with them singing a final song with a cover song called “Heaven” but in a remix of their own. I can honestly say that they sang one of my favourite songs and made an epic impression on stage. As they will never be forgotten by the people in Cardiff.
Written by Seema Boksh